Monday, April 07, 2008

Spiritualism Vs Hunger !!

Its been a long time that I've visited this blog. I've been busy with the last two jobs and didn't really get anytime to get here. But I plan to be active from now on. I've decided to include non-oracle related stuff also here, so that I have a way to communicate myself with the whole world.

Coming to Spiritualism vs Hunger. I've always wanted to write about it and finally the time has come. I believe in spiritualism and it is definitely needed for humans. I do respect people who believe in spiritualism. It gives you peace of mind and strength to face difficulties.

Coming to the point, I've seen people donating money to temples and people in India do that a lot. I don't agree with them at all. There are people in India who are in need of food. In my view hunger comes first and then spiritualism, luxury or whatever it is. HUNGER is the first thing that has to be taken care of. Feed the people first and then the temples. There's a saying in telugu (my mother tongue), "MANAVASEVE MADAVASEVA", which I believe in. It means "Service to human is Service to God", which is absolutely true.

And why do we donate money to the temples? I don't think a lot of people understand or even try to understand the reason behind it. I was doing it because my parents taught me to do so and I believe that so is the reason with so many other people. It is just that people believe in God and they believe that donating money to God is a good thing. And what is the money used for? To promote religion and to build temples? Forget about building temples when there are people around dying with hunger. Lets feed the hungry people first. I'm not saying that you leave your worldly luxuries and then spare the money to feed these people. All I'm saying is that lets spare the money that we donate to the temples and use that money to feed these hungry people.

I don't think any religion would say NO to feed hungry people. Also, at the same time, I DO NOT encourage giving money to beggars. Its an absolute NO-NO. Instead, lets pass on the money to charitable organizations who use the money in an organized way to feed hungry people and may be to send poor children to school.

I've started sponsoring a child in India and so can you. is a non-profit organization where you can sponsor a child in india. They will be given food, shelter and also sent to school. I would encourage all of you to have a look at the link below and forward it to as many people as you can. You can sponsor a child at $20 to $30 a month. You can also google for "sponsor a child ashanet", in case the link below does not work.

Lets start working towards feeding the hungry people. You can do your part by feeding one person from your earnings and if every one of us do that, the world will be HUNGER-FREE, a dream come true!!

Let me reiterate the saying, "Service to human is Service to God".

-- Vish.

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