Saturday, August 18, 2007

Installed oracle 11g !!

Installed oracle 11g today. Not a big deal. Just the same old stuff as oracle 10g. No issues at all during the installation.

Installed VMWare, Oracle enterprise linux 5, and then oracle 11g.

As always, Tim Hall and Dizwell are out there to help us out with kernel parameters and security limits etc..., saving us from goin' through oracle documentation. Thanks to these guys !!

Tim Hall's oracle 11g installation can be found using the link below.

Dizwell also has oracle 11g installation on Centos 5, which is released very recently. Did not really go for it since its released recently and not sure how stable it was with kernel parameter setttings and all.

The only difference I have found (installation wise) is that they have introduced a configuration manager into the list of installations you want, which will be associated with your metalink CSI account and collect information required in case you open up a SR with oracle. Not sure how useful it is. I've ignored it anyway. They have renamed HTML DB to Oracle Application Express and looks like they have introducted sql developer into all client installations.

Did not really dig into the new features yet, but very much interested in doin' so.

Next steps :

1. New features in oracle 11g
2. Install oracle 11g RAC.

-- Vish.

Friday, July 13, 2007

RMAN backup and restore without a catalog

Andy C has written a good article to backup and restore a db without a catalog.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Installed 2 node, 2 instance RAC on my laptop

Finally installed 2 node, 2 instance RAC on my laptop after quite a number of trials. Followed Tim Hall's document to configure it.

I was having problems when I was installing the clusterware. At the end of installation, the clvfy utility checks for cluster integrity and it fails every time. Tried a couple of things to repair it, but it never worked. Finally I tried to sychronize the time of each virutal machine with the host OS and it worked. It always throws up an error like below , if the nodes are not synchronized.
"/bin/tar: ./inventory/Components21/oracle.ordim.server/ time
stamp 2006-11-04 06:24:04 is 25 s in the future"

The article below explains how to synhronize the guest OS time with host OS.

Tired it out and it worked.

Now i've a single node-2 instance and 2 node-2 instance RAC installed on my laptop.

Trying to explore more of it now. (Understanding cache fusion, Transparent Application Failover (TAF) etc...

-- Vish.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Installed RAC on my new Laptop

Recently bought a 2GB RAM/160GB Hard Disk laptop ('cos i failed miserably trying to install RAC on my 512MB RAM laptop) and tried to install RAC on my new machine.

I've followed dizwell's document and installed RAC on my laptop. It was pretty smooth. No issues at all. Here's the link to follow.

what a pretty good documentation. Amazing. Since RAC is new (may be not)... i mean fairly new, and it needs a lot of linux, network settings that are quite complicated. Dizwell has done a very good job in explaining them in a step by step procedure. kudos to dizwell. This is a single node two instance RAC.

Tim Hall is also gave another excellent documentation. He wrote an article to create a two node RAC as opposed to single node RAC documented by dizwell.

Here's the link to follow.

I've tried that too, but as of now i'm stuck with the ASM instance not mounting on the second node. It gives me an error saying "network or resource busy" for the ASM mounted file system when it tries to mount on the second node. Need to figure it out. Will post here once i figure it out.
