I was having problems when I was installing the clusterware. At the end of installation, the clvfy utility checks for cluster integrity and it fails every time. Tried a couple of things to repair it, but it never worked. Finally I tried to sychronize the time of each virutal machine with the host OS and it worked. It always throws up an error like below , if the nodes are not synchronized.
"/bin/tar: ./inventory/Components21/oracle.ordim.server/ timeThe article below explains how to synhronize the guest OS time with host OS.
stamp 2006-11-04 06:24:04 is 25 s in the future"
Tired it out and it worked.
Now i've a single node-2 instance and 2 node-2 instance RAC installed on my laptop.
Trying to explore more of it now. (Understanding cache fusion, Transparent Application Failover (TAF) etc...
-- Vish.